Salutations, traveler! I am the wizard Zh'Nuggo, student of creation and the workings of the multiverse.
I had achieved a level of knowledge to make my hopes and dreams real in my original universe, mimicking its very creators. However, I quickly grew bored as I found the fundamental mechanics of it to be limiting (for me, at least).

I began traveling to other worlds, universes, and even points in time; however, I was still searching for something more. Over time, I've built a list of features I enjoyed from each visit and studied the theory behind each one.
Once you study the creations of others and their methods enough, you begin to feel a spark within your soul—the potential to create something of your own, something bigger than before.
With this spark, I am creating my own world formed by my inspirations and desires. I hope one day that it can serve as inspiration for other wizards following a similar path.

Simple Combat And Roleplay
SCAR is a system I've designed to foster creative play.
A small ruleset grants players the freedom to make characters with dynamic abilities they design, but in a simple and controlled manner that avoids having to read and learn large lists of spells or any "legalese".
Inspired by several OSR games, combat is tense and very much deadly. The flow of combat is kept simple to give more room for creative use of abilities and tracking wounds.
With a proficiency system that ties with character abilities, player characters evolve in sync with the narrative without needing traditional levels.
The freeform nature of SCAR's design means that it can also be used as a general system for multiple settings. While placed in a fantasy world by default, little-to-no adjustments would need to be made to the core rules to have it function just as well in a sci-fi or modern setting.
Unfortunately, not yet. I'm making a real, actual book for SCAR by myself; that includes: designing, writing, editing, illustrating, and all the related research. It's a lot of work, and takes up a large majority of my free time (easily hundreds of hours so far). However, seeing the progress I make on both the book and myself is what keeps me going, so I'm not complaining about having a passion project.
If you're interested, shoot me an email. I'll send you a PDF copy of the book when it's done, and where to buy a physical copy if you'd like.